Addicted to Pitching Games? Us Too. 6 Reasons We Just Can't Stop

You have a choice: make practicing painfully boring and unproductive, or make it fun. One of our values at Practice Pro is “hard work.” In saying that, we don’t mean you must suffer through doing things you don’t want to do. We also don’t mean to push yourself to your physical and mental limit every single practice. It’s necessary to do that sometimes, of course, but when we say to do “hard work” we mean two things. We are saying that it’s hard to get your reps in day after day, month after month, year after year and not quit. It also means that sometimes you’ll have to sacrifice sleeping in, a family party, or playing on your phone. It’s the tenacity and commitment that we see as “hard work.”

Yet, hard work can be fun! Is should be! There’s nothing I like more than a sense of accomplishment and that I’ve earned something. I can see that in our pitchers, too.

At the end of each of our lessons we play a game. Pitchers compete against each other to see who comes out on top. One reason we play these games is to teach athletes how to construct their own practices. Every pitch can be part of a game, whether against a workout buddy or themselves.

Here are six games we play at pitching school. I encourage you to incorporate them into your personal pitching practices. If you are taking our lessons, we send you recaps weekly of games, drills and tools of what we did during class. You’ll have tons of resources to make practice fun.

We make it easy to get the hard work in.

Drop 3 Game [Video 1:38 ]
3-2 Count Game [Video 2:31]
Chart Your Pitches [Video 1:58]
30 Second Pitch Race [Video :13]
Tri-Circle Races [Video :04]