Getting Tired of Negativity? 9 Parts of a Pitcher Contract That You’ll Love
/Over the years as a pitching coach, I’ve heard it all—team politics, frustrations, finger-pointing, and nitpicking. When I ask pitchers how they performed in a game, their answers often shift away from self-reflection. Some vent about the umpire, others blame teammates for a loss, and some express frustration over playing time or a coach not trusting their curveball. I remind myself that I once had to learn these lessons too—because the pitching position provides athletes with an incredible opportunity to develop character, accountability, and teamwork.
One creative solution I’ve come across that some teams have created is a pitcher’s contract— a simple but powerful tool to help pitchers get clear. These teams had their pitchers and coaches sign a contract outlining expectations for the season. I thought it was a fantastic idea.
So many challenges, frustrations, and disappointments—whether for coaches, players, or parents—stem from vague expectations and a lack of communication throughout the season. Inspired by these teams and my own coaching experience, I’ve put together a set of guiding principles for pitchers. These rules help ensure that every pitcher understands her role, stays accountable, and approaches the game with the right mindset.
At the bottom I’ve added additional resources on how to technically accomplish these contract points. I also encourage you to leave a comment with what you think about this contract and any additions you would make. Enjoy!
Commitment to Resilience, Teamwork, and Achievement
As a travel softball pitcher, I recognize that my role is a privilege, and I am committed to upholding the highest standards of preparation, accountability, and teamwork. By signing this contract, I agree to the following principles:
1. Practice
I will be fully prepared for competition by dedicating time to practice beyond our team practices and games.
I commit to completing the following daily practice activities: __________________ and the following weekly practice activities: __________________.
2. Accountability and Responsibility
Softball is a team effort. Whether I give up a home run or pitch a no-hitter, every outcome involves my entire team, not just me.
I will focus on my personal contributions, taking responsibility when things go wrong and sharing credit when things go right.
3. Initiative
If my coach names me as a starter or backup, I will take responsibility for getting myself ready.
I will actively seek out a catcher or teammate to warm me up so I am always prepared to step into my role.
4. Teamwork
When a teammate makes an error while I’m on the mound, I will encourage her by saying, “No worries, I’ll pick you up – I’ll get the next girl out for you.”
I will always support and cheer for my teammates, whether I'm in the game or on the bench.
5. Attitude & Energy
I will bring positive energy to every game and practice.
I will keep my conversations on the bench directed toward my teammates and coaches and away from the fans to maintain our competitive mindset.
6. Communication
If I have questions about playing time or strategic decisions, I will approach my coach at the appropriate time, such as at the end of a tournament.
I will take ownership of my communication, speaking directly with my coach rather than relying on my parents. This will help me build confidence, assertiveness, and humility.
7. Respecting the Umpires
I will respect the umpire's decisions by reacting positively or neutral to his or her calls. I will stay focused on what I can control.
After the game, I will keep my conversations analytical and constructive rather than negative, including the car ride home.
8. Coachability
I will trust my coach’s guidance and be open to trying new techniques, even if they feel uncomfortable or don’t yield immediate results.
If two coaches or instructors offer different guidance, I will respect both perspectives by learning each approach and applying it as instructed during their respective practices.
9. Revisiting Our Commitment
My coach and I will review this contract three times per season to ensure that I am holding myself accountable and staying aligned with my commitments.
By signing below, I acknowledge my commitment to these principles and my responsibility as a softball pitcher. If I am not living up to this contract, I give permission to my coach or parents to point it out.
Player’s Name: ____________________________
Signature: ____________________________
Date: _______________
Coach’s Name: ____________________________
Signature: ____________________________
Date: _______________
More resources for developing your own contracts. I’ve included blogs I’ve written in the past on many of the topics listed above.
How much practice should I be doing?
How to talk to you coach about playing time.
Important jobs for the bench players - how to contribute.
Constructive car ride home conversation.