You Need a Strong Core to Pitch

Did you know that a great deal of the power a pitcher generates comes from her hips and core? The arm is not entirely responsible for generating hand speed.  

If you like to lift weights, you know that hang cleans and push-presses are actually explosive hip, core, and leg exercises. Even though you use your arms to complete them, they are not arm exercises. The same goes for pitching. 

Do you want to know if your hips and abs are strong enough? Do a plank for as long as you can.  An average non-athlete youth should be able to hold for at least one minute without changing her position.  If you aren't able to do this it's time to start a core workout routine.  

Work up to a 10 minute core workout three times per week. Do not take a break in between each exercise and continue to keep your abs contracted. When you accomplish this you'll throw harder and reduce your risk of injury.