15 Savvy Ways to Watch the NCAA Playoffs

15 Savvy Ways to Watch the NCAA Playoffs

The road to the Women’s College World Series is one of the most exciting events to watch on TV. Regionals start today, May 17th, showcasing the best athletes in the country as they execute incredible plays and engage in jaw-dropping, extra-inning games. This year, don't just sit passively. Actively analyze the games and apply what you observe to your own development. Visual learning can improve your skills simply by observing. It's an excellent way to relax while getting better at the same time. Girls with older sisters who pitch often have an advantage from watching their siblings play.

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When You Lose Confidence In A Game

When You Lose Confidence In A Game

Most players have started their season already. Games will be testing your and your team’s abilities. They are an accumulation of all the work you’ve put in all winter. While the offseason was a time when you’ve learned new things, like improving your pitch repertoire or making big changes to your fundamentals, the in-season is all about performance.

Even though you’ll be learning a lot during the season, if you want to play and if you want to win, you’ll have to give the coach a reason to let you pitch. Giving chances in order to let the pitcher learn or see if she can handle pressure might be few and far between.

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How To Get Your Daughter To Practice

How To Get Your Daughter To Practice

You are always trying to "get" your daughter to practice. After all, she said she wanted to be a pitcher, you are spending tons of money on lessons, she is super athletic and is going to be great!! Yet...she won't practice!  You even set up the basement to look like an exact replica of the Rosemont Dome! You nag her, you try to reason with her by explaining all of the benefits of practicing. You feel you have given her all the tools humanly possible, but alas, there she remains comfy on the couch, TV remote in one hand, cell phone in the other.

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5 Things You Should Correct: In Order of Importance

5 Things You Should Correct: In Order of Importance

Do you ever think when looking at your player, “That looks funny, but I’m not sure how to correct it?” Or your watching your daughter pitch and you know about three mechanics pitchers are supposed to perform. You try to correct all three simultaneously and wonder why she can’t do it? How long will it take for her to change?

I’m writing this for beginner parents, mostly because parents of experienced pitchers have been attending lessons. They know exactly what their daughter needs practice, even if they don’t quite understand exactly why. I’d say the latter is a good-enough start.

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Where Will Your Game Be One Year From Now?

Where Will Your Game Be One Year From Now?

If you are thinking about taking on the position of pitcher with your daughter this note is for you!

Notice I use the phrase “taking on the position with” because learning to pitch is nothing less than a partnership between the two of you.

Becoming a pitcher is a special journey that takes a high level of commitment time-wise, financially, and emotionally. It can also be one of the most rewarding positions in all of sport! After reading this you will understand what to expect, have a road map for success, and motivation to help you persevere along the way.

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What Are the Youth Challenges and Why Do They Matter?

What Are the Youth Challenges and Why Do They Matter?

As a young pitcher you are faced with many logistical roadblocks that college pitchers don't face. You must find someone to drive you to practice or save up enough money for a new glove. You have the challenge of forming habits when many factors are out of your control, for example, not having enough time to warm up for a game because high school schedules are tight.

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Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Motion?

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Motion?

She unwittingly adds complexity to her motion, misdiagnosing the cause of poor accuracy, thus contributing more to superstitions than to good fundamentals. If you know anything about softball and baseball, you know that once a pitcher thinks luck is on her side, she’ll do anything to keep it.

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How to Master Power in 4 Simple Drills

How to Master Power in 4 Simple Drills

When learning, a lot of players look like this the pitcher on the right: leaning forward and her back leg has not moved towards the target by the time the ball is being released. When a pitcher throws “all arm”, this is what is happening mechanically. 

What’s more powerful, sprinting forward or jumping sideways? Just as a sprinter leaves the block, pitchers are sprinters leaving the mound. The fastest way to run to the finish line is forward, not sideways. 

If a pitcher can put herself in a good position at 3 o’clock (top pictures), she sets herself up for the rest of the motion. If not, it can be very difficult to correct her mistakes mid-pitch.

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How To Sell Hard Work To A Skeptic

How To Sell Hard Work To A Skeptic

For experienced pitchers, year-round training should be divided into sections including the off-season, pre-season and in-season. They each serve their specific purpose. In the offseason (October through December), experienced athletes should learn new movement pitches and make major changes to mechanics if necessary. These two things affect accuracy, so the offseason is the best time to adjust.

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How to Win Big with Habit-Formation

How to Win Big with Habit-Formation

In our pitching school, we give away pins every session to a select few students. They say, “Commit to the Process.” To earn one, a pitcher must do any sort of pitching practice every single day between lessons to earn a star for her team. Then, over the span of a 10-week off-season, if she’s able to accumulate all 70 days of consistent work, she earns the pin. This is quite a feat, to say the least.

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A Productive Rant About Release Point

A Productive Rant About Release Point

One of the least effective ways to help a pitcher develop better accuracy is to instruct them to "release sooner" or "release later." Her arm is moving too fast to make such small movements intentionally, especially for a young person who has little body awareness. Secondly, athletes respond better to “external cues” which are conveyed by relating their body to something outside of themselves, like a target in the distance, or the ground, or the sky.

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Why We Forget: How Our Mechanics Slip Away

Why We Forget: How Our Mechanics Slip Away

I was working with my personal trainer, Mondale, on posterior chain strength. He explained the short circuit of exercises I was going to do, then told me to go ahead and start. I did the first one, then completely forgot the other two exercises and looked at him with an “uh-oh emoji, help” face. Was I not listening? Was it too much information for my brain that only got 5 hours of sleep?

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This Stat Makes Game Days Way Better

This Stat Makes Game Days Way Better

I remember I loved checking my game stats when I pitched for Ithaca College. The sports information department would put up the box score with more information than ESPN does for the MLB! As soon as I got back to my dorm room after a game I'd hop on the computer and look up my ERA. My goal was to stay under 1.0. Being able to see the eb and flow every day really motivated me. The best softball pitchers at the time were under 1.0 ERA and I knew that if I could do that I'd be a great pitcher.

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This Thing Can Ruin Your Pitch

This Thing Can Ruin Your Pitch

The best pre-motions, or "take-aways" as I call them, are simple ones. Pitchers prepare themselves for success by performing a take-away that doesn't result in mistakes later in the delivery. When making up for a mechanical mistake during the motion, such as a crooked arm circle, the price she pays is a loss of speed.

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Lessons from College Coaches

Lessons from College Coaches

Overuse injuries make up 50% of all injuries in middle and high school. Three-sport athletes suffer less injuries than one-sport athletes. Plus, Dr. Middleton answered the common question, “Is the underhand pitching motion more natural that overhand, and as a result do less injuries occur?”

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Part 2: This Week's Top Lessons About Pitching

Part 2: This Week's Top Lessons About Pitching

MIke Candrea, University of Arizona Head Coach

I certainly share this sentiment from coach Candrea. He said,“The word ‘coach’ is a very powerful word and I don’t take it lightly. I’m honored and blessed when a young person calls me ‘coach’.” He also said that he speaks to a lot of high school coaches who, in conversation, point out that they are “just” high school coaches or “just” travel ball coaches. “No!” he says. We are all equally valuable in what we provide young athletes.

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How to Do Lessons

How to Do Lessons

*As Published in Fastpitch Magazine

The stronger your reason for doing something the more likely you are to do it, especially for pitchers. Often students come to pitching lessons with vague goals. Young players might come because their parents want them to learn how to throw it over the plate so the games go faster. Experienced players come because they want to simply "get better."

I'd like to offer you a little help on figuring out your "why" for taking pitching lessons. That is, for going week after week, year after year, throwing game after a game, before practice, after practice, or even when you have a ton of school work. What are you doing here anyway?

Your pitching coach's job is to help you develop a repeatable motion as soon as possible.

I'd like to offer you a little help on figuring out your "why" for taking pitching lessons. That is, for going week after week, year after year, throwing game after a game, before practice, after practice, or even when you have a ton of school work. What are you doing here anyway?

Your pitching coach's job is to help you develop a repeatable motion as soon as possible.

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Will Virtual Lessons Ever Rule the World?

Will Virtual Lessons Ever Rule the World?

For parents and players trying to learn more about pitching, gathering all information from online sources can be overwhelming. As a result, it gets demotivating. Every coach says something different. The key is to ask, “What are my goals and what are my daughter’s goals?”, and “What methods of learning would fit our lifestyle best?”

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What Yoga Can Teach Us about Pitching

What Yoga Can Teach Us about Pitching

This summer we held class at a beautiful personal training and yoga studio called “Practice Chicago” in Lincoln Park. What a fitting name, right?! As you know, I love when pitchers practice, but I never looked at practice the way described in @practicechicago’s recent Instagram post:

“When an activity becomes a practice it shifts from something you are doing at a point in time to an ongoing process of becoming. The former lends itself to “good” or “bad” judgments, forgetfulness, and discontinuity. The latter lends itself to integration, continuous learning, and wholeness.”

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Switch from Baseball to Softball?

Switch from Baseball to Softball?

While teaching pitching in both the city of Chicago and the suburbs, I’ve been able to come to understand the culture of each. Because most of the parks on the north side of Chicago began their softball programs less than eight years ago, many girls still play baseball. Parents struggle with the decision of switching their daughters from baseball to softball. If she does switch, when is the best time?

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