Spiraling Out of Control - What to Do

Spiraling Out of Control - What to Do

Almost daily, whether I’m coaching or not, I notice things about my life that I learned while playing sports in my youth. Most stems from our “mental game” lessons as a player for Ithaca College. On Thursdays, our off day, we would lift weights then go to one of the classrooms in the “Hill,” the athletic facility, and complete a hour-long lesson on how to think about the game.

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What if I Don't Get to Play?

What if I Don't Get to Play?

You put in so much effort to be a pitcher. Going to lessons, practicing, and always being sore are tough things to commit to if you don’t get to play. If this hasn’t happened to you, consider yourself a very lucky pitcher. How, then, do you deal with this situation to your benefit?
1. Use it as motivation to better.

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How to Communicate More Clearly With Your Daughter

How to Communicate More Clearly With Your Daughter

When it comes to coaching your daughter on pitching mechanics, I highly recommend it. Sometimes. As an observer of the parent-daughter relationships for a number of years, I’ve been trying to develop my philosophy on this, then somehow communicate it with a tactful touch. While debate rages about over-bearing parents or how much is too much, I still find pitching kind of an anomaly. Pitchers need their mom’s and dad’s more than every other position. Quite possibly, every other position in most sports. Is this just culture or is it absolutely necessary? I’ll leave that for another blog.

But for now, here are some helpful tips to support your daughter's success while making developing as a pitcher a great experience for you both:

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